Dear ladies and gentlemen and boy and girls and the rest.
From now on I will log in English.
I thought, my weblog can be viewed worldwide, why should I keep limiting myself to that small language area?
Moreover, every Dutch person knows English, and every Belgian too, and they can speak English everywhere!
It is of course a bit weird and you have to get used to starting in English and just communicating that, so here is my talk today:
The Netherlands has a crazy government.
Since they discovered it, they've been busy with a curfew, oh, how much they liked to debate it, and after long deliberation, it turned out 21 hours.
Every Dutch person is at home from 9 pm, with the exception of exceptions.
And suddenly it became 10 pm!
And now suddenly 6:00 PM today!
Well, they also want to ruin our free Easter weekend for us.
New readers: welcome, old readers: stay and get used to it!
zeven reacties
Mag ik je Spaans aanraden, is nog een grotere groep mensen die je kunt bereiken.
Als je maar niet over de regering schrijft, ik schaam me diep voor ze. Hans
Jij woont bijna in Duitsland, waarom dan niet in het Duits bloggen? Overigens kan ik het dan alleen lezen als je het over treinen hebt, zo goed is mijn Duits verder auch nicht.
Rene…er zit een storing in je blog.. Hopelijk is het morgen weer over.
Love As Always